Abolition of Basis Periods
Along with the impending introduction of Making Tax Digital (MTD) for unincorporated businesses and landlords the government made a significant announcement on 20 July that they would abolish basis periods for unincorporated businesses for the 2023/24 tax year to simplify MTD reporting.
That change would apply to sole traders, partnerships, as well as trusts with trading and property rental income who have year ends other than the end of March. There would also be complicated transitional rules for 2022/23 which could result in a big tax bill that year for some traders.
Full details here.
New Tax Year End?
The Treasury are also consulting on changing the tax year itself from the archaic 5 April year end to 31 March or even 31 December. A calendar tax year would bring the UK into line with most other countries at last!
We will keep you updated when more information becomes available.